Welcome to the Department of Psychiatry.
The increasing mental health problems and the associated burden of disease in Kenya require an adequate of number mental health professionals to provide preventive and treatment care. The department of Psychiatry University of Nairobi has (until recently) been the only centre that trains psychiatrists in Kenya. Most of the Psychiatrists working in Kenya have been trained in the department. We pride ourselves in training psychiatrists for a number of African countries as well.
The Department offers postgraduate programs, including a Master of Medicine in Psychiatry, Master of Science in clinical psychology, Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotrauma, Postgraduate Diploma in Substance Abuse, Postgraduate Diploma in Psychiatry Social Work, and Doctor of Philosophy in Psychiatry and clinical Psychology.
The number of mental health professionals in the country is however still in adequate. In realization of this fact, the department equips qualifying medical doctors at undergraduate and postgraduate students from other departments with the necessary skills to manage common mental health disorders encountered in the community.
Apart from Manpower development the department is involved in research and has linked with other international Universities to improve research quantity and quality.
Head of Department,
Prof. Anne obondo